1. TCM Wiki
  2. 软水黄连


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Ruan Shui Huang Lian (Herba et Radix Thalictri Ramosi)

  1. Ruan Shui Huang Lian
  2. Herb and root of multibranch meadowrue
  3. Herba et Radix Thalictri Ramosi

The Effect of 软水黄连


Bitter, cold; liver and large intestine meridians entered.


The drug is the dried whole plant or root of Thalictrum ramosum Boivin (family Ranunculaceae). Growing in woods and shrubs, on hills, roadsides or brook sides, or at wet places, distributed in the west part of Hunan, the north part of Guangxi, Sichuan of China.


It is used to clear heat and remove toxicity, to induce diuresis; for the treatment of conjunctivitis, dysentery, jaundice, sores and boils.

Dosage and Administrations

Decoct 9~15 g. Proper dosage is for external application, pounded for applying or decocted for washing.


It is contraindicated in case of deficiency cold in the spleen and stomach.