The Prescription of 薏苡仁湯
The book Qi Xiao Liang Fang
- Yi Yi Ren 30 g,
- Dang Gui 30 g,
- Shao Yao 30 g,
- Ma Huang 30 g,
- Rou Gui 30 g,
- Zhi Gan Cao 30 g,
- Cang Zhu 30 g.
Dang Gui: Activating blood and tonifying blood.
Bai Shao: Tonifying blood, astringing yin to check sweating, soothing the liver.
Ma Huang: Relieving exterior syndrome, dispersing cold pathogen.
Rou Gui: Warming and supporting Yang-Qi.
Yi Yi Ren: Removing dampness and subduing swelling.
Gan Cao: Invigorating the spleen and stomach, tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.
Cang Zhu: Drying dampness and invigorating spleen, dispelling wind-dampness.
The Effect of 薏苡仁湯
All the drugs are ground into fine powder. 22.5 g of the powder is decocted in water with Sheng Jiang 15 g for oral dose to be taken twice.