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  2. Zhishi Daozhi Wan

Zhishi Daozhi Wan


Pill of Immature Bitter Orange for Removing Stagnancy

  1. 枳实导滞丸
  2. 枳實導滯丸

The Prescription of Zhishi Daozhi Wan


The book Nei Wai Shang Bian Huo Lun


  • Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) 30 g,
  • Zhi Shi (Fructus Aurantii Immaturus stir-fried with wheat bran) 15 g,
  • Shen Qu (stir-fried Massa Medicata Fermentata) 15 g,
  • Fu Ling (Poria) 9g,
  • Huang Qin (Radix Scutellariae) 9 g,
  • Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coplidis) 9 g,
  • Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Acractylodis Macrocephalae) 9 g,
  • Ze Xie (Rhizoma Alismatis) 6 g.


Da Huang: Eliminating stagnancy and purging heat by way of laxation.

Zhi Shi: Assisting Da Huang in promoting the circulation of Qi, eliminating stagnancy and relieving distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen.

Huang Qin and Huang Lian: Being the assistant drugs in this prescription, clearing away heat, removing dampness and relieving diarrhea.

Shen Qu: Promoting digestion and regulating the function of the stomach.

The Effect of Zhishi Daozhi Wan


Promoting digestion, removing stagnated food, clearing away heat and expelling dampness.


Syndrome due to retention of damp-heat and indigested food in the stomach and intestines, marked by distending pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, loose stools, or constipation, scanty deep-colored urine, yellowish greasy tongue coating, and slippery rapid pulse; including such diseases with the above symptoms as acute indigestion, gastroenteritis, bacterial dysentery and acute or chronic cholecystitis.


All the drugs are ground into fine powder. The powder is made with water into pills. 6-9 g or the pills is taken with warm boiled water each time, twice daily. With their amounts properly reduced according to their original proportions, the drugs may be also decocted in water for oral dose.

This prescription is for removing stagnancy. It is not suggested to prescribe it to treat diarrhea or dysentery not due to stagnated food.