
Yongquan(KI1,涌泉) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Shaoyin Kidney Meridian of Foot. It is the Jing-Well Point of the kidney.
Yong, to gush; quan, spring.
Welled-up water is called gushing spring. The point is on the depression of hte sole; the Qi of meridian flows upwards as a gushing spring.
Approximately at the junction of the anterior and middle third of the sole (excluding toe).
- To activate the brain-energy for waking up a patient from unconsciousness: syncope, hysteria, etc.
- To treat both shock and high blood pressure (Moxibustion is preferred).
- Terminal neuritis, pain and numbness of toe and sole.
Perpendicularly 0.5-1 cun.