Tongqiao Huoxue Tang
The Prescription of Tongqiao Huoxue Tang
The book Yi Lin Gai Cuo
- Chi Shao 3 g,
- Chuan Xiong 3 g,
- Tao Ren 9 g,
- Hong Zao 7 dates,
- Hong Hua 9 g,
- Scallion 3 g,
- Sheng Jiang 9 g,
- She Xiang 0.15 g.
Chi Shao and Chuan Xiong: Promoting the circulation of blood and activating blood.
Tao Ren and Hong Hua: Activating blood flow to remove blood stasis, subduing swelling and relieving pain.
She Xiang:Inducing resuscitation.
Yellow Wine: Dredging collaterals.
The Effect of Tongqiao Huoxue Tang
Activate blood to resolve blood stasis, Inducing resuscitation and activate collaterals.
Urticaria, rosacea, pelada, leucoderma due to blood stasis.
Decoct in yellow wine for oral dose to be taken before bed.