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  2. Lung Meridian

Lung Meridian

  1. 肺經
  2. 肺经

Lung Meridian in TCM
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In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Lung Meridian of body starts from the lateral part of the chest near the arm pit. It then travels along the anterior-medial aspect of the upper arm, passing the cubital region and arrives at the radial side of the wrist containing the radial artery for puls palpation. Passing the thenar eminence, it arrivels along the radial border of the palm ending at the medial side of the tip of the thumb.


The Lung Meridian has eleven points, of which seven points are on the anterior border of the medial aspect of the upper limbs, and two points are on the upside of prothorax; and of which the first point is Zhongfu, the last one is Shaoshang. Looking at the following chart for detail:

Lung Meridian
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  • LU1 Zhongfu 中府穴: six cuns lateral to anterior midline level with the first intercostal space, one cun below the second point of the Lung Meridian. Caution: needle obligue to avoid lungs.
  • LU2 Yunmen 云门穴: six cuns lateral to the anterior middle below the clavicle in the depression medial to the coracoid process. needle obligue to avoid lungs.
  • LU3 Tianfu 天府穴: three cuns interior to the anterior axillary fold on radial side of biceps brachii muscle.
  • LU4 Xiabai 侠白穴:four cuns interior to the anterior axillary fold, one cun interior to the Tianfu point on the radial side of biceps brachii muscle.
  • LU5 Chize 尺泽穴:on the cubital crease, in the depression lateral to biceps brachii tendon.
  • LU6 Kongzui 孔最穴:seven cuns above the transverse crease of the wrist.

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  • LU7 Lieque 列缺穴:one point five cuns above the transverse crease of the wrist, superior to the styloid of the radius.
  • LU8 Jingqu 经渠穴:one cun above the transverse crease of the wrist in the hollow, and on the lateral side of the radial artery.
  • LU9 Taiyuan 太渊穴 :on transverse crease of the wrist, and on the lateral side of the radial artery.
  • LU10 Yuji 鱼际穴:on the palmer side of the hand, at the midpoint of the first metacarpal bone, at rhe junction of the red and white skin.
  • LU11 Shaoshang 少商穴: 0.1 cun posterior to the nail on the side of the nail.

Priciple Indication

Disease of respiratory system and of the part the meridian comes by, such as cough, gasp, hemoptysis, oppressed feeling in the chest, chest pain, throat gall, chill, paiins of the anterior broder of the medial aspect on the upper limb, etc.

see also
