Japanese andromeda

Ma Zui Mu (Japanese andromeda)
The drug is the dried root or leaf of Pieris PoZita W. W. Smith et J. E. Jeff. (Family Ericaceae), Growing in or near forests, in scrubs along ravines, and distributed in Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Fujian of China.
Stem contains asebotoxin, etc. Leaf contains asebotoxin, asebotin, aseboquercitrin, taraxerol acebopurpurin. Flowers contain t3-amyrin, oleanelin acid, usolis acid, β-sitosterol, etc.
The Effect of Japanese andromeda
Leaf is used as antipyretic, anti-diarrheal and parasiticide, externally for the treatment of scabies.
Dosage and Administrations
Proper dosage is for external application, decocted for washing.