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  2. Immature flower of hindu lotus

Immature flower of hindu lotus

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Lian Hua (Immature flower of hindu lotus)

  1. 莲花
  2. 荷花
  3. Lian Hua
  4. Flos Nelumbinis Immaturus
  5. He Hua
  6. 蓮花

The Effect of Immature flower of hindu lotus


Bitter, sweet, neutral; liver and heart meridians entered.


Dissipate stasis, stop bleeding, eliminate wind-damp.


Sores and scabies, pemphigus, haematemesis, metrorrhagia, stranguria due to hematuria.

Dosage and Administrations

Decoct 6~9 g, or pounded into powder for oral taking. Proper dosage is for external application, pounded for applying on the affected area with fresh.