Xiangleng Wan

The Prescription of Xiangleng Wan


The book Chong Ding Yan Shi Ji Sheng Fang



Mu Xiang, Ding Xiang and Xiao Hui Xiang: Warming meridians and regulating qi.

Chuan Lian Zi and Zhi Qiao: Promoting the flow of qi and alleviating pain.

Zhu Sha: Inducing sedation and tranquilization.

San Leng and E Zhu: Promoting the flow of qi and breaking blood, dissipating nodulation and abdominal mass.

Qing Pi: Soothing the liver and relieving depression, eliminating stagnation.

The Effect of Xiangleng Wan


Promote the flow of qi and dissipate nodulation and abdominal mass.


Abdominal mass, phlegm accumulation.

Xiangleng Wan