Qingjing Zhixue Tang

The Prescription of Qingjing Zhixue Tang


The book Zhong Yi Fu Ke Zhi Liao Xue



Huang Qin and Huang Bo: Clearing heat and removing toxicity.

Mao Gen: Cooling blood to stop bleeding, clearing heat.

Di Yu: Cooling blood to stop bleeding, resolving swelling and promoting tissue regernation.

Sheng Di, Zong Lv Tan: Cooling blood to stop bleeding.

Dan Pi: Cooling blood, activating blood and dissipating blood stasis.

Yi Mu Cao: Activating blood and regulating menstruation, promoting diuresis and dissolving edema, clearing heat and removing toxicity.

Pu Huang: Stopping bleeding, resolving stasis, inducing diuresis.

The Effect of Qingjing Zhixue Tang


Clear heat, cool blood and stop bleeding.


Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.

Qingjing Zhixue Tang