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  2. Fruit or seed of coffee senna

Fruit or seed of coffee senna

1 #


Wang Jiang Nan Zi (Fruit or seed of coffee senna)

  1. 望江南子
  2. Wang Jiang Nan Zi
  3. Fructus seu Semen Cassiae Occidentalis

The Effect of Fruit or seed of coffee senna


Sweet, neutral, toxic; liver, stomach and large intestine meridians entered.


Clear liver fire, strengthen the stomach, relax the bowels and remove toxicity.


Swelling and pain of eyes, indigestion, stomachache, sores and boils, constipation, dysentery, dizziness.

Dosage and Administrations

Decoct 6~9 g or take the powder, 1.5~3 g. Proper dosage is for external application. Pounded into powder for applying.