
The Prescription of 麦味地黄丸



Mai Dong: Nourishing yin and clearing heat of stomach, lung and heart, calming heart and inducing tranquilization.

Shu Di: Nourishing the kidney and replenishing essence.

Shan Zhu Yu: Warming up and tonifying the kidney and liver, arresting seminal emission.

Shan Yao: Reinforcing the kidney and benefiting the spleen, combining Shu Di and
Shan Zhu Yu to enriching all the three Yin.

Ze Xie: Purging fire of the kidney and preventing Shu Di from resulting in stagnation of Qi due to its tonic and sticky nature.

Dan Pi: Clearing away pathogenic fire in the liver and restricting the warm nature of Shan Zhu Yu.

Fu Ling: Inducing diuresis to benefit the spleen, aiding Shan Yao in strengthening the spleen.

Wu Wei Zi: Astringing the lung to relieve cough.

The Effect of 麦味地黄丸


Tonify the lung and kidney.


Spermatorrhea, diabetes, asthma, phthisis.


All the drugs are ground into fine powder. The powder is made with honey into pills.  
