

Ass-hide Glue Decoction for Invigorating the Lung

The Prescription of 補肺阿膠湯


The book Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue



E Jiao: The principal drug, being sweet in flavor and neutral in nature, nourishing Yin and tonifying the lung, enriching blood to arrest bleeding.

Niu Bang Zi: Dispersing pathogenic wind-heat, benefiting the throat and chest.

Ma Dou Ling: Clearing away heat pathogen in the lung, resolving phlegm, relieving cough.

Xing Ren: Moisturizing the lung to relieve cough.

Nuo Mi and Gan Cao: Being sweet in flavor, nourishing the spleen Yin, moisturizing and tonifying the lung.

The Effect of 補肺阿膠湯


Nourishing Yin, tonifying the lung, relieving cough, arresting bleeding.


Syndrome due to deficiency of the lung and exuberance of pathogenic heat, marked by cough, dyspnea, dry throat, expectoration with little or blood-stained sputum, floating thready rapid pulse, and reddened tongue with little coating; including such diseases with the above symptoms as pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchiectasis complicated by hemoptysis.


The ingredients are ground into powder, 3-6 g of which is decocted in water and taken warm. Or the ingredients are decocted in water for the decoction, to which E Jiao that has been melted in boiling water is added. The decoction is taken 3 times.
