
Diabetes is a common endocrine metabolic disease with genetic predisposition. In clinical manifestations it is commonly seen of drinking and eating more, diuresis, or sweet smell of urine.

Diet principles:

Food choices

General foods:

A.Upper diabetes

Clinical manifestations

Drink more, frequent thirsty, thirsty right after drinking, frequency of urine, dry throat, normal appetite, red tongue, less mouth fluid, yellow and dry tongue coating, rapid pulse.

Food principles:

Nourishing yin and clear heat, moisturing dryness and relieve thirsty.

Food therapies:

B. Middle diabetes

Clinical manifestations

Eat more but easy to get hungry, accompanied by frequent thirsty, tidal fever and night sweating, getting thinner day by day, frequency urine, dry stool, dizziness, tinnitus, red tongue, yellow coating or thin white coating, slippery and rapid pulse.

Principle of food therapies

Clear stomach and purging fire, nourish yin and body liquid.

Foods therapies:

C.Lower diabetes:

Clinical manifestations

Urination frequency;sweet urine smell; turbid urine; polydipsia and thirsty; swelling limbs; drowsiness and fatigue; purple tongue with no coating; weak pulse.

Food therapies Principles

Nourish kidney and Yin, clear inner heat.

Food therapies:
