Shui Weng (Cleistocalyx operculatus)
The drug is the dried root, dried or fresh bark or leaf or dried flower bud of Cleistocalyx opercula turn (Roxb.)Merr. et Perry(Family Mytaceae),growing and cultivated along streams or rivers, and distributed in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and Yunnan of China.
Leaf or flower bud contains flavonoids, phenols, ursolic acid, cinnamic acid, gallic acid,β-sitosterol, sugars, etc.
The Effect of 水翁
Root, bark, leaf or flower bud is used as antipyretic, diaphoretics, parasiticide, antipruritic, and to remove food stagnancy. Root is used for the treatment of jaundice, etc. Bark is externally used for the treatment of burn, leprosy, pruritus of skin, tinea pedis, eczema, cut, etc. Leaf is externally used for acute mastadenitis, etc. Flower bud is used for cold, fever, dysentery, vomitting and indigestion.