

Peptic Powder

The Prescription of 平胃散


The book Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang



Cang Zhu: The principal drug pungent, bitter in flavor and warm in nature, being good at removing dampness to promote the function of the spleen.

Hou Po: Promoting the circulation of Qi, resolving dampness, relieving distention and fullness in the abdomen.

Chen Pi: Regulating Qi to remove stagnancy.

Gan Cao: Regulating the stomach and tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.

Sheng Jiang and Da Zao: Regulating the function of the spleen and stomach.

The Effect of 平胃散


Removing dampness, promoting the function of the spleen, activating the flow of Qi and regulating the stomach.


Syndrome due to retention of dampness in the spleen and stomach, marked by distension and fullness in the abdomen, loss of appetite, tastelessness in the mouth, vomiting, nausea, belching, regurgitation of sour fluid, heavy sensation of the body, lassitude with desire for bed, intermittent diarrhea, whitish greasy thick tongue coating, and slow pulse; including such diseases with the above symptoms as chronic gastritis, gastrointestinal neurosis, acute gastritis, infantile dyspepsia and gastroduodenal ulcer.


Decocted in water for oral dose to be taken twice (Taken originally in the form of powder).
