Xiao Banxia Jia Fuling Tang

The Prescription of Xiao Banxia Jia Fuling Tang


The book Jin Gui Yao Lue



Ban Xia: The principal drug, being pungent in flavor and warm in nature, dispersing accumulation of pathogens, letting the adverse flow of the stomach-Qi go downwards to arrest vomiting.

Sheng Jiang: Being pungent in taste and warm in nature, dispersing accumulation of pathogens, regulating the stomach to arrest vomiting.

Fu Ling: Inducing diuresis and draining dampness, invigorating the spleen and inducing tranquilization.

The Effect of Xiao Banxia Jia Fuling Tang


dispel retained fluid, and direct qi downward, Induce diuresis and drain dampness.


Dizziness, palpitation ,fluid retention, vomiting, fullness in the epigastrium.


Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.

Xiao Banxia Jia Fuling Tang