Jing Fang Baidu San

The Prescription of Jing Fang Baidu San


The book She Sheng Zhong Miao Fang



Fang Feng: Dispersing wind pathogen to relieve exterior syndrome, working together with
Jing Jie and Bo He to strongly dispel wind pathogen by diaphoresis.

Jing Jie: Dispelling wind and releasing exterior.

Qiang Huo and Du Huo: Removing wind, cold and dampness pathogens from the whole body.

Chuan Xiong: Promoting the circulation of blood, dispersing pathogenic wind.

Chai Hu: Being pungent in flavor and dispersing in nature, expelling the pathogens from the muscles and skin, aiding Qiang Huo and Du Huo in driving away exo-pathogens, relieving pain.

Zhi Qiao: Descending Qi.

Jie Geng: Promoting the flow of the lung-Qi.

Qian Hu: Removing phlegm.

Fu Ling: Eliminating dampness.

Gan Cao: Tempering the actions of all the other ingredients, invigorating Qi, regulating the stomach.

Bo He: Expelling wind pathogen.

The Effect of Jing Fang Baidu San


Dispel wind-cold, relieve exterior syndrome and eliminate dampness.


Fever with aversion to cold without sweat, severe headache, joint pain, early stage of flu, whitish and slimy coating on the tongue, floating or floating and rapid pulse.


Decocted in water for oral dose to be taken twice.


It is suitable for weak people with cold. It is contraindicated in case of sthenia-heat.

Jing Fang Baidu San