Houpo Wenzhong Tang


Magnolia Decoction for Warming the Middle-Jiao

The Prescription of Houpo Wenzhong Tang


The book Nei Wai Shang Bian Huo Lun



Hou Po: The principal drug, promoting the flow of Qi to subdue distention, drying dampness and removing fullness.

Cao Kou Ren: Warming up the middle-Jiao to expel pathogenic cold, drying dampness to reduce phlegm.

Chen Pi and Mu Xiang: Promoting the circulation of Qi to benefit the middle-Jiao.

Gan Jiang: Warming the spleen and stomach and dispersing pathogenic cold.

Fu Ling and Gan Cao: Inducing diuresis, strengthening the spleen and regulating the function of the middle-Jiao.

The Effect of Houpo Wenzhong Tang


Warming up the middle-Jiao to promote the circulation of' Qi, drying dampness and removing fullness.


Syndrome of the spleen impaired by cold-dampness, marked by distention or pain in the epigastric region and abdomen, loss of appetite, weary limbs, pale tongue with whitish greasy coating, and deep slow pulse; including such diseases with the above symptoms as acute and chronic enteritis, gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcer.


Decocted in water with 3 pieces of Sheng Jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens) added for oral dose to be taken twice. When used, the dosages of the ingredients may be modified according to their original proportions.

Houpo Wenzhong Tang