Herba Androsaces Umbellatae


Dian Di Mei (Umbellate Rockjasmine Herb)

The Effect of Herba Androsaces Umbellatae


Bitter, pungent, cold; lung, liver and spleen meridians entered.


Clear heat and remove toxicity, resolve swelling and alleviate pain.


Sore throat, rheumatic arthritis, sores and boils, traumatic injury, snkae bites, asthma, aphtha, toothache, headache, burns and scalds, stranguria with turbid discharge, acute conjunctivitis.

Dosage and Administrations

Decoct 9~15 g, or made into powder or soaked in wine. Proper dosage is for external application, pounded for applying with fresh product or decocted for washing or mouthwash.

Herba Androsaces Umbellatae