Food therapies on obesity

Obesity is excessive accumulation of body fat, on the scale of 20% higher than normal weight. With no obvious symptoms, fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath, endurance and other symptoms will occur, and is prone to have diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, shortness of breath and easy been infected.

Food therapeutic principles

General foods:

A Spleen deficiency and dampness syndrome

Clinical manifestation

Fat body, limb heaviness, fatigue, abdominal distension, anorexia, less food intake, loose stools, pale tongue, greasy tongue coating, slow pulse. These syndromes are mostly seen in clinical practices.

Food therapies principles:

Tonifying spleen and resolving dampness.

Food choices:

Bian dou, can dou, peas, mung bean, huang dou ya, bean sprouts, corn, wax guard, melon skin, cucumber, cucumber skin, watermelon, watermelon skin, cabbage, carp.

Food therapies:

B. Spleen and kidney deficiency symptoms

clinical manifestations:

Fat & swelling, fatigue, lazy words, dizziness, chills, anorexia, cold pain in waist and knees, loose stools,diarrhea, impotence, pale tongue, thin white coating, thin pulse.

Dietary principles

Warm Yang, clear gas and induce diuresis.

Food selections:

Gang dou, dao dou, gou qi zi, lean sheep meat, lean dog meat, walnut kernels.

Therapeutic foods:

Walnut mixed with celery:celery 300 grams, 50 grams of walnut, proper salt, MSG, sesame oil. Clean and chop celery into 3 cm long segments, soak in boiling water for 2 minutes. Drain water on the celery, add salt, MSG, sesame oil. Peel walnut kernel after soaking in hot water, put in the celery, mix well and eat.

C.Stomach heat dampness symptoms:

Clinical manifestation

Fat body, polyorexia, kakostomia, dry mouth, constipation, red tongue, yellow greasy tongue coating, slippery and rapid pulse. Middle aged and young aged strong people are easily caught in these symptoms.

Dietary principles

Clear heat, remove dampness.

Food selection

Chinese cabbage, lettuce, bamboo shoots, lotus root, ma chi xian, celery, water chestnut, pear.

Therapeutic foods:

D.Qi stasis and blood stagnation

clinical manifestations:

Fat body, fullness on the upper part of the side of the human body, epigastric fullness, irritability, mouth parched and tongue scorched, dizzy, insomnia, irregular menstruation or amenorrhea, dark tongue with ecchymosis, rapid and taut pulse.

Dietary principles

Dispersing liver Qi, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

Food selection

Citron, orange, orange skin, bergamot, buckwheat, bean, sorghum rice, white radish, fennel, jasmine flower, hawthorn, eggplant, etc...

Therapeutic Foods:

E. Liver kidney yin deficiency:

clinical manifestations;

Fat body, dizziness, headache, dysphoria with smothery sensation; red tongue, less coating, weak and rapid pulse.

Dietary principles

Nourish the liver and kidney, nourish yin and reducing fat in body.

Food selection

Tremella, black fungus, black bean, mulberry, pork, turtle, duck, duck 's egg, sea cucumber, jellyfish, black sesame seeds, kidney etc...

Therapeutic foods:

Food therapies on obesity