Food therapies on Diarrhoea

Diarrhea is a common disease of digestive system, where patients have increased defecation, loose stool or diarrhea with undigested food, even stool alike water form.

General foods:

A. Cold damp Diarrhea

clinical manifestations:

Loose stool, abdominal pain, fullness in gastral cavity, abdominal distension, dislike cold, fever, headache, body pain, poor appetite, thin white tongue coating, slow pulse.

Food therapies principles:

Disperse coldness and resolving dampness, antidiarrheal.

Food therapies:

Ginger porridge:ginger 5g, red dates 3-5 pieces, rice 100g. Boil the ginger and collect the juice, make porridge with red dates and rice. Apply one time a day as breakfast.

B.Dampheat Diarrhea

clinical manifestations:

Abdominal pain and diarrhea, anal burning, upset and thirsty, urinate short red or body heat, yellow greasy tongue coating, rapid and slippery pulse.

Food therapies principles:

Clear heat and remove dampness.

Food therapies:

C. Kidney yang deficiency Diarrhea

More than jiuxie, watery stool or non-transformation of food, pale, apathetic, cold limbs, pale tongue, thin white fur, pulse fine.

clinical manifestations:

Warm the yang and antidiarrheal.

Food therapies principles:

D. dyspepsia caused by excessive eating or improper diet

clinical manifestations:

Abdominal distension and pain, halitosis, loss of appetite, sour stool, relieved abdominal pain, thick and greasy tongue coating, slippery pulse.

Food therapies principles:

Help digest and clear stagnation.

Food therapies

E. Spleen stomach deficiency coldness diarrhea

clinical manifestations:

Diarrhea; abdominal pain;poor appetite;lassitude;bad complexion;Pale tongue, weak pulse.

Food therapies principles:

Tonifying spleen and

Food therapies

Eight ingredients cake:yi yi ren, qian shi, bian dou, lotus seed, Chinese yam each 90 grams, dang shen, fu ling each 60 grams, 30 grams bai zhu, 240 grams of sugar. Smash them all. Mix with ground rice, water and steam well.

Food therapies on Diarrhoea