Food therapies on chloasma

Chloasma is facial skin pigmentation illness. It is presented by brown, light brown or dark coffee color stains, often distributed on both sides of the cheek, like a butterfly, and also seen on forehead, eyebrow, nose back, upper lip. It is smooth on the surface with no itching. It is quite common among pregnant women or women in their period.

This illness is closely related to endocrine factors, most common among people of irregular menstruation, pregnancy, long-term intake of contraceptives and chronic liver disease. Sunlight exposure and mental stress, poor sleep are other inducing factors as well.

Food therapies principles:

Various types of foods:

A. Liver stagnation and spleen deficiency syndrome:

Clinical manifestations:

Brown patches on face, lusterless face, chest and bloating, irregular menstruation, abdominal distension, fat tongue and pale coating, taut pulse.

Dietary principles:

Dispersing liver qi, strengthening spleen and nourishing blood.

Therapeutic foods:

B. Qi and blood stagnation symptoms:

clinical manifestations:

Dark brown facial skin with clear edge, breast swelling pain, irregular menstruation, dark purple tongue, ecchymosis petechiae, white tongue coating, taut pulse.

Dietary principles

Regulating Qi, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

Therapeutic foods:

C.Chong meridian and mai meridian discordance

Clinical manifestations

Black brown spots in facial skin, color deepens before menstruation, then reduces after the period. Accompanied with dizziness tinnitus, insomnia, irregular menstruation, red tongue thin coating and weak pulse.

Dietary principles

Nourishing kidney and liver, regulating two meridians.

Therapeutic foods:

Food therapies on chloasma