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  2. Snow of June Herb

Snow of June Herb

Liu Yue Xue
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Liu Yue Xue (Snow of June Herb)

  1. Liu Yue Xue
  2. 六月雪
  3. 白马骨
  4. 白馬骨
  5. Bai Ma Gu
  6. Herba Serissae

The Effect of Snow of June Herb


Bitter, pungent, cold; liver and spleen meridians entered.


Expel wind and promote diuresis, clear heat and remove toxicity.


Edema, dysentery, scrofula, leucorrhea, toothache, sore throat, swelling and pain of eyes, carbuncle, pain in waist and legs due to rheumatism.

Dosage and Administrations

Decoct 10~15 g, or 30~60 g of the fresh product. Proper dosage is for external application, decocted for washing or pounded for applying.